
搬瓦工推出新计划 MINIBOX 售价 $29/y 下单需邀请码 此文包含如何获得邀请码方式

VPS服务器推荐 admin 966浏览 0评论

Bandwagonhost 今天新推出的计划 MINIBOX-10-512 位于DC99(不是DC9),默认走优化线路,但是“尽力而为,不能保证”。

该机器配置为:1vCPU,512MB内存,500GB流量,10GB存储,Gigabit带宽。售价 $29/y。


We use DC99 to test new things. Usually it is not offered to the public.DC99 is similar to DC9, with the following differences: - Outbound is CN2 GIA only for everything (no CMIN2/CU separate routes) - Lower priority, no guarantees.

翻译:回程CN2 GIA,没有CMIN2和9929


搬瓦工 官网直达购买链接: Bandwagon Host - Shopping Cart

联系方法:Telegram 联系搬瓦工管理员 Alex C,联系地址:https://t.me/BWHOfficial/1/36854 ,然后发送 I would like an invitation code, thanks!





Basic VPS - Self-managed - MINIBOX-10-512
**Very limited availability - Invite code required**
**No uptime guarantee - best effort service**
**Refundable within 30 days even if IP is blocked by GFW**
SSD: 10 GB RAID-10
RAM: 512 MB
CPU: 1x Intel Xeon
Transfer: 500 GB/mo
Link speed: 1 GigabitLocation: Los Angeles, DC99
Direct Premium China connectivity (best effort, no guarantees)
We use DC99 to test new things, it is not normally offered to the public.

Free automatic backups
Free snapshots
VPS technology: KVM/KiwiVM
OS: 32 or 64 bit Centos, Debian, Ubuntu
Instant OS reload
IPv4: 1 dedicated address
IPv6 support: **No**
Full root access
Instant RDNS update from control panel
No contract, anytime cancellation
Strictly self-managed, no support


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