

英语学习交流 admin 13534浏览 12评论

Today I have read Helen Keller's "Three Days to See". I have read this article in the chinese teaching material when I was in high school. This article impressed me. It told me how lucky we are. We should aprrecaite that we are healthy. Healthiness is riches. So today I read this article again. Whenever I read this article, compare with Helen Keller, I think we should treasure our life, god has given us sight so we can see a lot of good things, so we can know how beautiful this world is, so we can know how wonderful we can live in our coloreful life.

Helen Keller, blind and deaf from infancy. Stricken with a serious illness at the age of nineteen months, Keller survived from the illness but was left permanently unable to see and  hear. In this article, three day of sight, we can see, how precious it was as for Helen Keller. What would you want to look at if you had only three days of sight? Helen gives her answer in this famous essay. I always think that people can realize the importance of the sight and sound only after they have personally expericenced the dark and silence life. Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight, silence would teach him the joys of sound.

This short story tell people how Keller take advantage of having the privileges to see, hear, and speak.Some people, unfortunately, are blind, deaf, and mute. These unfortunate people take more time to appreciate life and they are always waiting for the miracle all their life. The author, Helen Keller, is one of such person who is blind, deaf, and mute. She strongly believes that people, who are fortunate to have such senses, take life for granted. She also strongly believes these people should live in the fullest, meaning, accomplish lifes when they can do this today, do not leave it for tomorrow.

One can die at any moment, no matter how healthy or in what physical shape he is. As for this, Helen came across many instances. She had asked her friend what she had seen after taking a walk through the woods, and her friend replied, "Nothing in particular." Her friend gave she this answer, because her friend become accustomed to see the routine of their surroundings, and her eyes only can be attracted by startling and spectacular things. I think if we only have sight for 3 days we will give another answer.

I appreciate Hellen Keller. Her life is a miracle, she stronly face the difficulties which can detroy one's mind of living. Her life is a tragedy, but the world in her heart is full of love. Her spirit will encourage all of us, forever.





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网友最新评论 (12)

  1. 比较历史悠久的一篇文章,呵呵~~~
    真好网15年前 (2009-12-03)回复
  2. 要翻译一下嘛
    先看看15年前 (2009-12-04)回复
  3. 我也很欣赏海伦凯勒
    卢松松15年前 (2009-12-04)回复
  4. 这还得找谷歌翻译下。。囧。。
    www.se7ens.cn15年前 (2009-12-04)回复
  5. 翻译出来看看哦
    仁心博客15年前 (2009-12-04)回复
  6. 不翻译了,太花时间,有兴趣的自己翻译来看,哈
    日记男孩15年前 (2009-12-05)回复
  7. 周末到处看一看,这里挺好呵呵
    开心凡人15年前 (2009-12-11)回复
  8. 我只能用金山词霸来读懂你了,哈哈
    番薯窝15年前 (2009-12-12)回复
  9. 大致读懂了 哈哈。
    园子15年前 (2009-12-15)回复
  10. seen your website on del.icio.us and truly like it.. i bookmarked it and will be back to check it out some more more after-hours ..
    Nova Mccolm15年前 (2010-02-11)回复
  11. fantastic terrific brilliant!!文章写得很不错,味道已经出来了 很不错!
    jyj15年前 (2010-03-02)回复
  12. 很有帮助的文章,学习了!
    问学堂15年前 (2010-06-09)回复