
How To Make Extra Cash Using Fiverr

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What is Fiverr?



Fiverr is an online market place where you buy or sell simple / complex services. In short, Fiverr allows you to sell and buy services or products for $5.


The Fiverr community helps buyers by giving them a solid reliable place to find services they need for a very low price of $5. Meanwhile, sellers are rewarded with a social rating system and constant traffic to drive up sales an earn them quite a bit of money.



Fiverr started in early 2010 and became popular quickly. People use Fiverr for a variety of different services, including but not limited to logo design, creative writing, academic writing, IT & website design, and more.


Fiverr Features for Sellers



  • Set a time for you to complete each job by. (No more procrastinating).
  • Give detailed instructions, requirements, and need to know information to potential buyers.
  • Level 1 Seller status allows you to add “extras” to your service, allowing you to make even more money from each sale.
  • It’s a crowd-verification system. Cheap services sell fast, meaning there is a high customer turnover. Even if only 1/10th of customers give you a review, as long as it’s positive you will be highly rewarded for the quality work you do.


Fiverr’s Prices



  • Fiverr is a free platform to register and sign up for.
  • Fiverr will keep 20% – $1 from each $5 sale.
  • You get paid after 48 hours through Paypal once you have delivered your buyers order successfully.





Tips To Become A Fiverr Pro


Quality Service


If you have a skill, like writing, design, video editing, etc. then make sure you utilize your own and Fiverr’s full potential to sell it. As an affordable and social platform, Fiverr is all about reputation. You are not the only one offering your service, and if you want to keep sales & profit high, you need to consistently reassert your reputation as the best in town!


Video Marketing


Video marketing is a definitive trend of the past decade or so. If you use either you own or perhaps another Fiverr buddy’s skill to promote your service in a detailed and clear video, you’re bound to get more hits.


People want to see what you offer, and when the only connection you have is an internet connection the best way to this is through the power of video.


Be Personable


Be professional but also personable. Remember that for most of your clients you’re communicating entirely online. This means you need to put in a bit of extra effort to create a person to person relationship and have this customer see you as more than a robotic service provider.


Like this the buyer will feel they get more of a personal and tailored service, and will be more likely to return for more, write a positive review, and even recommend friends.

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